“Der Star des Abends ist die südkoreanische Sopranistin Da-yung Cho, die die Rolle der frisch verheirateten, etwas zickigen Gräfin Fiorina Sanviti auf derart beeindruckender Art und Weise ausfüllt und stimmlich brilliert, dass das Publikum nicht umhinkam, dies mit großem Beifall und Bravo-Rufen zu honorieren”
Da-yung Cho is a soprano with a sparkling timbre and a vivacious stage presence.
In the summer of 2024, Da-yung Cho was celebrated for her embodiment of the leading role Countess Fiorina Sanviti in Luigi Ricci's “Chi dura vince” (german title Eine Rosskur) at the Neuburger Kammeroper in Bayern, Germany.
As of the season 2024/2025, Miss Cho is part of the soloist ensemble of the Musikalische Komödie at Oper Leipzig.
In addition to the classical repertoire, music of the 20th and 21st centuries is also a large part of her creative work. Thus she interpreted the speaking voice in Schönberg's Pierrot Lunaire and several world premieres of contemporary composers.
The Korean artist was born in Vienna, Austria, and grew up in Germany. After her family settled in Korea, she completed her bachelor's degree in church music at Presbyterian University and Theological Seminary in Seoul.
Da-yung Cho returned to her hometown of Vienna in 2013 to complete her master's degree at the Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien. Another influence on her artistic development was her training in classical operetta at the Musik und Kunst Universität der Stadt Wien.